WELCOME TO 1980's RETRO SIGNS. We Design limited edition Vintage custom signs inspired by long since gone arcades of the 1980s. Here you will be able to view our designs as well as order custom prop signs for your Mancave or Home Arcade.

We work in the motion picture film industry as scenics and prop makers. We greatly appreciate the 80s and take part in honouring that amazing time period by creating these amazing signs. That capture the essence and spirit of what the 1980s were all about!

We also love vintage mopeds/scooters, video games, toys and music. We also produce books, various zines, comics and more!

Retro signs are real functional indoor signs made from high grade materials. Unlike 3D printed, Cheap Plastic signs that function as novelties, night lights and toys. Retro Signs are welded, Stainless Steel framed hand painted art pieces that capture the likeness and essence of the originals. Each sign is designed for long life and durability with a lot of attention to detail.

1980s Retro Signs is a proud contributor to the Florida Toy Shows and Expos series of events. Including being an attraction at the famous Super Retro Con held yearly in Central Florida!